Tennis is one of the most popular sports throughout the world, with approximately 75 million participants worldwide. It is a sport that you can play at every age and at every level. Children can start playing from the age of 4, using softer, slower balls and smaller rackets on modified courts to make the game easier and more fun, gradually progressing to regular rackets, balls and courts.
Older players can start the sport at any age and can continue playing all their life. Whether you are looking for the competitive club league tennis or a more social game amongst friends, tennis is an excellent sport with loads of health benefits.

As you’re undoubtedly already aware, regular physical activity has been proven to deliver many benefits including reducing the risk of suffering from heart disease, diabetes, many cancers, dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, ageing, osteoporosis and musculoskeletal disorders like back pain, and arthritis.
Tennis is a fun and social (as well as competitive) way to add to your weekly activity goals.
Here are some other benefits of participating in regular activities like tennis:
Increased brain power
From alertness to tactical thinking, tennis enhances the neural connections in your brain. Kids who play tennis regularly get better grades at school.
Better hand–eye coordination
Playing tennis involves regular skills that all contribute to good hand–eye coordination. You can improve your agility, balance, coordination, reaction time and more. This can benefit you in injury prevention where improved balance and agility can help protect against rolling an ankle or tripping and falling often resulting in sprains or Colles' fracture of the wrist or worse a hip fracture in older age.
Reduced stress
Tennis involves physical, mental, social and emotional challenges, which increase your capacity to deal with stress. Or simply running around smashing some balls may help you to blow off some stress too!
Strong heart
Compared with other sports, tennis players have the lowest incidence of cardiovascular disease. Playing just 3 hours a week will reduce your risk of heart disease by 56%.
Higher fitness levels
Playing tennis on a regular basis (2–3 times/week), either singles or doubles, meets the global exercise recommendations and leads to increased fitness levels. Tennis is an excellent interval training technique - running, stopping, burst of activity then rest between points or games (which elevates and then lowers heart rate repeatedly through a match) which is proven to be hugely beneficial in improving fitness levels and in cardiovascular conditioning too. The effect is not only seen in elite players but with recreational tennis too.
Leaner body
Tennis is an excellent and fun way to burn calories and lose weight. An hour of singles play can burn 580–870 calories. A lower body weight has immense benefits in preventing and managing cardiovascular diseases including diabetes, and a lighter frame will reduce loading on your back and joints reducing joint pain and possible arthritis in older age.
Strong bones
Playing tennis on a regular basis leads to stronger, healthier bones. This effect is strongest in those who play tennis from an early age, but even if you start playing tennis later in life you can benefit from the positive effect on your bones. This is applicable to both women and men combating the development of osteoporosis a.k.a. brittle bones with ageing.
Strong leg muscles
Playing tennis strengthens your leg muscles, which helps maintain your mobility and independence in old age.

The Secret is Staying Injury Free

But these health benefits won’t be very fruitful is you are sitting side-lined because of injuries and while some injuries are quick to repair, others can take a couple of weeks and others may be more stubborn, taking 6 weeks or more. What’s more frustrating, and unfortunately very common, is the risk of re-injury. One of the greatest risk factors for an ankle sprain or a muscle strain (tear) is having suffered from a previous sprain or strain.
So if you’ve suffered from a tennis injury in the past, you can download our free injury prevention leaflets at the following link here.
Nearly 2/3rds of tennis injuries are chronic overuse injuries, many of which are caused by poor technique, incorrect equipment use and lack of physical conditioning
Acute injuries, like an ankle sprain or calf strain, although sudden and unpredictable can also be prevented with adequate preparation and appropriate conditioning. Download the leaflets at the following link here for more information on how to prevent common tennis injuries and stay in the game longer!
Don't forget to check your email for your free resources!
As massage therapists we can help with a wide range of issues caused by long periods of sitting at a desk, including back and neck pains, tingling in your hands, carpal tunnel syndrome, even regular headaches experienced at work. Please get in touch if you need advice and I hope you find these resources useful.
At Body Balance Therapeutic Massage, we're here to help guide you through this process. Our team of dedicated massage therapy professionals works closely with each patient to create an individualized treatment plan that addresses their specific needs and lifestyle.
Located right here in Blacksburg, Virginia, we offer a range of massage therapy treatments, from relaxation to targeted bodywork, and are experienced in helping people manage and reduce their chronic pain. Our goal is to empower our patients, equipping them with the tools and strategies they need to regain control over their life. If you live in the area and are grappling with chronic pain, we invite you to get in touch with us. Together, we can work towards a future where pain does not define your daily life.
The Team at Body Balance Therapeutic Massage

Address: 210 Professional Park Dr, Suite 10, Blacksburg, VA 24060
Phone: (540) 605-8751