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Five Massage Myths Busted

Writer: Emily DunaganEmily Dunagan

Updated: Jan 23, 2024

You might think you know all there is to know about massages – but some myths still seem to hang around, and we’ve probably heard them all. Here are five massage myths we hear all the time…busted!

Massage can spread cancer

One of the biggest and possibly most enduring myths puts a lot of people off massage that could really benefit from it. The myth is that having a full body massage can spread cancer because it stimulates your lymphatic system, which produces white blood cells to fight infections.

There is absolutely no evidence that cancer can be spread by massage, of course. Manipulating tissue in the way a massage therapist does won’t make tumor cells move, and not only is having massage therapy non-harmful for cancer patients, it’s actually good for most of them.

pregnant woman smiling

Don’t get a massage if you’re pregnant

Massage is great in pregnancy, and the best thing is that it’s perfectly safe in all trimesters and can be really beneficial. Having a massage absolutely won’t bring on early labor or a miscarriage. Even so, you should always tell your massage therapist if you are pregnant when you attend for your massage so that she can adapt the techniques.

There are some essential oils that aren’t recommended in the first or last trimesters, too, so when you book an aromatherapy massage, let the therapist know in advance. Other than that – lie back and enjoy being spoiled.

Massage therapy releases toxins

Massage therapy has many benefits, but although this myth is still repeated - sometimes even by therapists - it’s not true. Massage doesn’t detoxify your body at all. True toxins are things like mercury, lead or botulinum toxin which are dangerous to your body, and massage won’t help you if you need to eliminate any of those! The truth is, your body is very efficient at filtering most waste products and unwanted substances out of your body using your lymphatic system, and ultimately by your kidneys and liver.

Massage could possible help your body to expel the by-products of your muscles post-exercise, like lactic acid, but in truth, your body is perfectly capable of doing that all by itself.

Soreness is sign of a good massage

Soreness is no indication of how good your massage treatment has been. The amount of discomfort you feel the following day isn’t a badge of honor. If it’s your first ever massage (or first in a long time) or you’re not very active, you might be a little bit sore after a session, but although it’s nothing to worry about, it’s not compulsory and if you don’t feel anything at all, that’s great! If you’re used to regular massage therapy you’re unlikely to feel sore afterwards.

man drinking from a water bottle

You don’t need to drink extra water after a massage.

This one is a definite myth! You really do need to drink water after your massage and that’s why we offer it to you. Drinking water after a massage will keep you hydrated, and stop you getting any soreness. Drinking plenty of fluids also helps to get your lymph fluid moving, which is one major plus point of a massage.


- The Team at Body Balance Therapeutic Massage


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